Advocacy, education and outreach in support of Vancouver's public spaces

Would you complain if your view of the mountains was blocked by an advertisement? Big Ideas for the City: Billboard Strategies

Billboards in public spaces are ugly and offensive. They block views of the mountains, distract drivers and allow private individuals to profit from publicly funded spaces. Furthermore, over 50% of outdoor advertising billboards in Vancouver do not meet present bylaw... Continue reading »

August 20, 2019   |   0 comments
Cambie Side 2 Council looks for action on Stadium billboard issue

One of the new PavCo digital billboards. January 2012. The new digital billboards installed around BC Place Stadium have been causing no end of headaches for nearby residents. The billboards are enormous – many times the size that would be... Continue reading »

January 12, 2012   |   0 comments
P1019360 VPSN Public Space News & Events – December 2, 2011

Bursts of light eminate from the trees on Beach Avenue. Month 12 of 12 has arrived, December is here! The days are shorter, but the streets are beginning to feel a bit brighter. The lights adorning the trees at Beach... Continue reading »

December 2, 2011   |   0 comments
MRs Macquarie's Point Happy New Year – 2010 in review…

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world… a crowd gathers for New Year’s celebrations at Mrs Macquerie’s Point in Sydney Australia. Submitted by VPSN member Lisa M. A late year greeting to all of you from the gang at... Continue reading »

December 31, 2010   |   0 comments
Billboards, Halloween and Sustainability… oh my!

It’s raining! Perfect time to convene for a bit of coffee house activism. A nice cup of steaming tea, a cookie, and a chance to plot up some public space shenanighans. Luckily, the VPSN has not one but two opportunities... Continue reading »

September 27, 2010   |   0 comments