A better bike lane for Cambie Bridge?
City Council will be considering a proposal to install a new protected bike lane on the Cambie Bridge. Discussion will be taking place this coming Wednesday, January 17, and follows on the heels of a staff report made public last week.
The intent is to reallocate a portion of one of the bridge’s southbound travel lanes (and south side off ramp) to create a southbound bike lane. This would create the opportunity for a separated bike lane and sidewalk on the west side of the bridge, while the east side would stay as it is. The approach would create improved separation between cyclists from pedestrians, enhancing overall safety. City staff suggest that the change would have a “minimal impact on motor vehicle capacity.”
Improvements to various connections at the north and south ends of the bridges are also discussed in the report (and in some cases already underway). To this end, we suggest that upgrades to existing bike lanes should also be considered as part of this initiative. In particular, the recently installed Smithe Street lane, with its partial separation of bikes and cars, and its blended bike/right turn lanes, can feel especially unsafe.
:: Read the City of Vancouver report – Cambie Bridge Interim Active Transportation Improvements
Photo by Gary Howe, Flickr, MyWheelsareTurning.